Business Intelligence Tools Tutorials — Imagine you are a business manager for a fast fashion brand. You are tasked with understanding why sales of a new clothing line in a particular region are declining. Your job is how to increase sales while achieving the desired profit margin. Some variables to consider include customer buyer personas, website reviews, social media reviews, sales figures by day and hour at different store locations, holidays or other events, upcoming paydays at local businesses, even heat map data for each store and current floor plan . . .
This is a lot of different data stored in different formats. You have to pull it from various systems or sometimes collect missing data manually. Then to move data into a single repository, explore and visualize it, define interconnections between events and data points. Too many dimensions, too much data to process. There must be a data management strategy and there must be an IT infrastructure to implement this strategy. That’s what business intelligence (BI) is all about.